Florida Jones Act Lawyer

The law office of Gordon & Elias, LLP represents clients throughout Florida and the United States in maritime injury law and Jones Act cases. If you make your living on an American flagged vessel, whether in the Gulf, the Atlantic or on an inland waterway, and you are injured due to negligence in the normal course of your job, we can help you exercise your legal rights under the federal Jones Act.

Our team of maritime law attorneys represents workers in cases such as commercial boating accidents or other types of maritime accidents. We work closely with our clients, and are dedicated to providing effective representation aimed at getting the compensation you and your family need.

The Dangers of Maritime Work

Any maritime industry comes with a significant degree of danger, and it is crucial that owners, captains and crews work to prevent avoidable accidents.

We are able to represent clients from Pensacola to Fort Lauderdale, including busy ports such as Tampa and Miami. Whether you are a crew boat captain or a deckhand, you are equally protected under the provisions of the federal Jones Act.

Maintenance and Cure Lawyers in Florida

A deckhand, mate, barge hand, or other Jone’s Act offshore workers who suffer a serious injury or illness is legally entitled to paid medical treatment and living expenses until they have regained their health and are ready to return to duty. Speak to one of our maintenance and cure attorneys regarding your rights to these benefits. Don’t let a maritime employer deny you these benefits if you’ve been injured in the service of a ship or vessel. In addition to your wages, “maintenance” includes money for food, lodging, and transportation. “Cure” benefits include all necessary medical expenses such as doctor’s bills, diagnostic tests, MRI and CT scans, hospital bills, physical therapy and prescription medicines. Since there are time limits on filing claims, you should retain a maintenance and cure lawyer particularly if your employer willfully withholds your rightful benefits after an accident. Punitive damages, in addition to regular maintenance and cure benefits, may be possible under such situations.Call a maintenance and cure attorney at Gordon & Elias, LLP for help in obtaining, as part of general maritime law, full maintenance and cure benefits.

United Maritime Group Maritime Injury Lawyers

Crew members that work for the United Maritime Group that get injured on the job are also covered bt the Jones Act. United Maritime is based out of Tampa, Florida but has offices in Davant, Louisiana (mile 55 on the Mississippi River – south of New Orleans), New Orleans, Louisiana, Metropolis, Illinois and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. United Maritime specializes in marine transportation and handling of dry bulk materials. United offers multiple services including international shipping, inland barging serving the U.S. inland rivers, terminal services with one of the largest coal and petroleum coke terminals in the U.S. and the largest dry bulk coastwise operator in the United States. They transport coal, petroleum coke, grain, phosphate rock, fertilizer, ores, alumina, ferroalloys and other dry bulk cargoes. Some of United Maritime Group’s customers include coal mining companies, fertilizer producers, petroleum refiners, commodity traders as well as utilities in Europe, the United States, Mexico, and the Far East. United is the only company with owned assets providing service between worldwide ports and/or ports within the United States coastwise and inland ports. This is a vast seamless network of dry bulk services without compare. Some of their inland tugs are as follows the M/V Susan Johnson, the M/V Donna Griffin, the M/V Martha Lynn, the M/V Eleanor Gordon, the M/V Carol McManus, the M/V Sally Bromfield, the M/V Hercules, the M/V Taurus, the M/V Bea Black, the M/V Terri C, the M/V Anne B, the M/V Martha Mac, the M/V Pamela H, an the M/V Sylvia H. River operations include the Mississippi, the Illinois River, the Ohio River, the Arkansas River, the Tennessee River, the Green River, the Big Sandy and the Kanawha River. Recently, United Maritime Group sold 17 tugs and 650 more barges to the Ingram Barge Company. Additionally, approximately 300 UBL associates will also join Ingram. Ingram Barge Company is a subsidiary of Ingram Industries Inc., based in Nashville, Tennessee.

Ingram Barge Injury Attorneys

Put simply, under the Jones Act, workers are allowed to seek recovery for past and future damages, including:

If you’ve suffered marine vessel injuries in the normal course of your work and as a result of the negligence of a crew member or superior on an American flagged vessel, then you may be entitled to additional compensation above and beyond maintenance and cure.

Our office can help you pursue that compensation.

Schedule a Free Consultation

To put our experience and ability to work for you on a Jones Act injury, contact our office today for a free consultation or call us now at (800) 773-6770.