Maritime Job Applications | Video Transcript

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Gordon, Elias & Seely, L.L.P. – Maritime Job Applications

STEVE GORDON: I’d like to talk a moment about maritime job applications. Some people who have had prior injuries, that is, maybe injured their back before, they’re, they’re hesitant to put the truth on the application. And at Gordon, Elias & Seely we believe it’s important that when you fill out a job application that you be honest.

Because there is a potential that if you actually get hurt that the employer can sort of weasel out of paying you maintenance and cure, which is medical benefits if you’re not fully honest, or you don’t fully disclosed, disclose your prior injuries in, in your maritime job application. So it’s important that you be honest.

Now the fact–let’s say that you were asked about something and you didn’t really put it down because lets say you had hurt your back before but it was ten years ago and you didn’t think about it, believe me, that the employer’s insurance company, when they find out about this, they’re going to try and use that to deny your benefits.

And so it’s not fatal, Gordon and Elias can get around it, but as a general rule we advise our mariners to be honest on their job applications.